Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Welcome to my EDTECH Learning Log. My name is Tim Rocco and I am the Director of Technology for a K-12 school district of eight schools and 3,400 students. I intend to use this space to add artifacts and share learning as I make my way towards a Master of Educational Technology at Boise State University. Posts will be labeled according to standards set by the Association for Educational Communication & Technology.


  1. Hi Tim! I think it must be exciting to be a Director of Technology! I have considered going down that career path in the future. With that in mind, what are some of the pros and cons of your job?

    1. Hi Karin - I love my job so it's tough to come up with many cons. I work year-round and would guess that to be con to teachers accustomed to having the summer off. However, I still get more time off than the regular working guy. The politics can be off putting if you allow yourself to take it personally. You can never leave your customer service hat at home because 90% of the time that people contact you is because they have a problem.

      The pros are easy. I get to spend time with teachers and students. I feed off their enthusiasm. I get to be involved in meaningful change that can have big impacts if I do it right. I am always challenged to learn new things. The best pro, however, is knowing that I'm helping to build a better community. That's a big deal in a small town where everyone knows everyone.

    2. I can't imagine working with that many schools, teachers and students. I know that when I contact my tech director it is usually because I am exasperated and can't figure something out. Also I see our tech director running around our school all day like a chicken with his head cut off and he is only servicing the High School and Junior High.

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